Sunday, October 26, 2008

Barack, that devil.

The latest in wingnuttery comes from Fox with a screed involving none other than Saul Alinsky and Satan written by one James Pinkerton, described as a contributing columnist and writer for “The American Conservative” and a Faux News political contributor (which is just about everybody on staff).

It seems that Pinkerton discovered that Saul Alinsky, the legendary community orgainizer and activist, mentions Satan in the dedication to the first edition of “Rules for Radicals,” one of his two books. Here's the connection – Barack Obama is an “on the record fan” of Alinsky! So is Hillary Clinton, who actually managed to interview Alinsky as a student. (Alinsky died in 1972, when Obama was 11 years old, so he had to settle for just reading the book.)

Like Alinsky, Clinton and Obama have both lived in Chicago, the city of broad shoulders, hog butcher to the world. But since Obama admits to Alinsky's influence it follows that he too must be in league with Satan. No wonder McSame/Palin are behind in the polls.

Let see – I was at Rochester Tech in 1966 and Alinsky was working with a local (black) church taking on Eastman Kodak over discrimination issues. At the time Rochester was pretty much a Kodak factory town (Xerox notwithstanding) with somewhere close to 20% of the workforce tied to what was known as the “Yellow Factory” (a nickname based on Kodak's trademark color for its packaging).

Long story short, the churchgoers with Alinsky's help won the battle and the Yellow Factory began to open up.

I have a copy of “Rules for Radicals” on the bookshelf. It might even be a first edition, given when I bought it. It's been a long time since I opened that book but now may be an appropriate time. Is that a whiff of brimstone coming from the study?

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