Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ain't technology grand?

A friend provides a group of us daily updates on the phoebes nesting under the eave of his garage, courtesy of a webcam and an old laptop that now sleeps in the garage. The live feed is supplemented with stills. Thanks to my generous brother, I can keep up with developments using my iPod Touch.

What will they think of next?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day follow up.

On Memorial Day I think about my uncle, who I'm named after, killed when his plane crashed on Papua New Guinea. Listening to public radio this afternoon, driving north toward home on I91, I heard an addition story to the Globe's report on the international trade in WW2 planes and how its disrupting the attempts to locate MIA's -- including my Uncle Bernie. He was wounded when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor trying to get to his plane at Hickam Field, recovered, and continued his service on a bomber crew. His plane went down on his last mission.

My grandmother acted like she expected him to walk through the back door at any minute.

For another take on war, check in with the History News Network with this piece on the insurrection known as the "Civil" war.