Not a lot of contests on the ballot for tomorrows election and one can expect the standard, disappointing, local election turnout. The main event of course is the school committee and I'm deciding if I'm going to “bullet vote” for Steve Rivkin. I like what Rivkin's had to say and appreciate his willingness to insist on data and information, rather than the usual goven by feel approach that (rightly or wrongly) I've associated with the Amherst schools. The debate, for me, over a single (aka “bullet”) vote for Rivkin isn't in opposition to Irv Rhodes. Given factors like experience, name recognition, and the number of lawn signs out, I think he's going to win. The sole vote for Rivkin is to boost his chances.
I think John Coull, given his experience and personality, deserves a place on the Redevelopment Authority.
As for Library Trustee, I'm still deciding. I don't like Carol Gray's suggestion that you get rid of staff COLA's to balance the budget. It's the librarians, after all, who are the information specialists and make the place go. Libraries tend to be the single free educational/social benefit offered to adults in any community.
No other contests on the ballot, not even town meeting in my precinct.