Sunday, June 8, 2008

Its a movement

Dylan endorses Obama. He's also painted his masterpiece(s).

Friday, June 6, 2008

Rip and Read News

Turkey's activist supreme court causes problems: “Turkish Leaders Face Tense Summer” (the Beeb)

“MSW” finds a new use: “Blue Fire Ethanol Bets on Household Trash” (CNET)

Policy differences: “A radical new strategy: kill fewer Muslims” (Economist)

Boundless pessimism: “Little Mideast press optimism for Israel-Syria talks” (BBC Monitor)

Not just the MCAST: “Chinese students implore Confucius for exam luck” (Reuters)

D'oh: “Did Iranian agents dupe Pentagon officials?” (McClatchy)

Thanks, Hillary: “Obama's Clinton problem surfaces — in GOP ads” (McClatchy)

From the Arts and Culture Desk:
Ozzy Osbourne wins damages over "freak show" slur” (Reuters)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

So it goes

I guess I didn't want to believe what I was hearing on the radio the other day. Not Rushbo but NPR played the musings of a New York woman, ironically named Christian, fuming that an "inadequate black man" had "stolen" the nomination only because Clinton is a "white woman."

Ugly and ignorant, in more ways than one.

There's a couple of cliches that apply to the political contests. The first is the old saw that there are only two ways to run for office: scared and unopposed. Hillary and her staff ignored that, big time. Nemesis follows hubris. (See also Giuliani, Rudy.)

The second is attributable to Mario Cuomo: you campaign in poetry, you govern in prose. Listening to all three speeches last night (McSame, Clinton, Obama) it's pretty clear who the poet is.

Just Sayin'

A note to Doug Rubin...the following was attributed to Mayor Daley:
Don't write it if you can say it and don't say it if you can point.