Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dropped Objects

The Gazette (no link) reports that not much detail is forthcoming in the Air Force report about the wheels that fell from a C5 over Belchertown. I had the opportunity to review and comment on the environmental impact statement prepared in the early 80's when bringing the C5's to Westover was planned. Noise was the predominant concern at the time but a couple other details in the EIR stuck in my head.

One was that the C5 had the highest rate of dropped objects of any large aircraft. You had to search out side the report for a definition of dropped object -- essentially its a part of the plane that should stay attached but doesn't. The report also carefully listed all the landfills in proximity to the base. Much further in the report was a mention that the C5 is very prone to bird damage. One had to come to the conclusion on your own that where there are dumps, there are likely to be dump ducks & other fowl.

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